The CAB team

Project Management: Maison des générations-olivet house


Janna Hubacek

Project Manager

450 538-1919

Born in Switzerland to Czech parents, I’ve been in love with Sutton since my early childhood. It is no wonder that after obtaining a BA from Concordia University and extensive travels in 36 different countries, it is in Sutton that I chose to put down roots. My career path has allowed me, over the past 15 years, to accumulate rich and varied experiences in management, communications and leadership, notably as director of the CAB Sutton since 2013 and project manager for the Maison des générations since 2020. As part of the stellar CAB team, I am grateful for the many opportunities to contribute positively to my community. At work, I will often be heard saying "At the CAB, it's never boring! "And that's just how I like it: to take on new challenges, to learn, to find creative and innovative ways to help those in need and to bring people together around an inspiring and engaging community project!  When I'm not at the CAB, I enjoy the outdoors, being active, spending time with my family and of course great food!


Daphnée Poirier

Daphnée Poirier


450 538-1919

My background is in academia and have been involved in community issues as a committed student activist for many years. I was and still am passionate about sociology. Equipped with a PhD, I have conducted several university research projects. I have been a consultant in social and community development for various municipalities and taught at the college level. With my passion for community involvement and citizen participation, I am particularly delighted to be part of the CAB Sutton team! In my role at the CAB I organize and direct a range of activities and services offered to people of all ages, and coordinate projects, such as the Intergenerational Garden. I engage in advocacy efforts with local and regional partners and support the daily management of our organization. Finally, I help ensure the financial health of the organization and manage human ressources.

Aministrative support


Josianne Laramée

Administrative Assistant

450 538-1919

Originally from the Eastern Townships, I grew up surrounded by family and friends. I am an avid reader, knitter and decorator. I am very happy to be working for the CAB and for my community. My role at the CAB is to support the management team in their various administrative and accounting tasks as well as provide support during activities. I look forward to meeting you!

Outreach Work


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Étienne Grégoire

Outreach worker 50+

450 521-5105

I grew up in Montréal-Nord and lived on the island until my early thirties, before moving to the Eastern Townships to start a family. For a long time, I worked as a steel craftsman, before switching to the community service sector to take up this position as an outreach worker.

My role at the CAB is to help you find the resources you need and to support you in your endeavors with a view towards facilitating your passage through the particular situations and challenges of everyday life while respecting your individuality and your own aspirations of wellbeing.

Families and community

Jennifer Tevyaw

Jen Tevyaw

Intervenante Ressource famille -Outreach

450 522-2422

Having grown up here in the townships, it feels great to be in this role of service for my community. My family and I have travelled around the world quite a bit, and we are continually pulled back to this beautiful rural area. The townships (and Sutton/ Abercorn in particular) are a truly magical place! I have worked for the last 9 years as a birth and postpartum doula and before that as a special needs counsellor for individuals with disabilities.
My role here at the CAB is to be available to listen, support & make referral to other community services for anyone who is looking for help. Our fully bilingual services are available to anyone in need.
One of my other roles is to animate the parent & baby group on Friday mornings, as well as the joujoutheque and depannage bambin program.
Looking forward to meeting and sharing with you!



Angie Dery

Outreach worker

450 522-2663

Originally from the Eastern Townships and very familiar with the community and services that surround us, I've spent my entire career helping mostly English-speaking people find the services or organizations they need to help them navigate their particular situations. My role at the CAB is to help you find the resources you need, to accompany you and help you through the process, or simply to listen if necessary.

Board of Directors 2024-2025


Grace Pollock

Lori Hoey

Lori Hoey

Diane Duchesne

Diane Duchesne

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Martine Pelchat


Louise Brisson

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Luce Goerlach

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Lucie-Ève L'Italien


Service Leaders


Lina Allard

Meals on Wheels

Sutton has been my home for 50 years and for the past 7 years I have coordinated the distribution of the Meals on Wheels program for residents in Sutton and Abercorn. Volunteering is an anchor that keeps us grounded and helps us better understand the community in which we live.

Louise Comtois-AD

Louise Comtois

Homework Assistance

I have been living full time in Sutton since 2005, fulfilling a childhood dream. I have always loved Sutton, its mountains, its countryside, its rivers, its village and its people. Fortunately, I had the chance to settle here shortly before my retirement. As a teacher specializing in visual impairment and mother of two boys, I immediately wanted to get involved when the CAB started a project to help students at the Sutton school with their homework. I have had the pleasure of "volunteering"
since the very beginning and have found it very satisfying and enjoyable. I continue this involvement by accepting the role of head of the organization but I still enjoy the contact with the students by occasionally replacing the volunteers who are absent.

Françoise Lépine responsable de la Banque alimentaire au CAB Sutton

Françoise Lépine

Food Bank

I grew up in Joliette, studied in Montreal, and worked in Montreal and Philadelphia as an electrical and lighting designer in engineering firms. As the Food Bank coordinator, I am responsible for the smooth delivery of the service, with the help of a team of 4 amazing volunteers. Volunteering keeps my eyes and mind open to the world, allows me to share memorable moments with people in my community, and keeps me mentally and physically fit while meeting new people.


Maaike Zuyderhoff

Cuisine collective

I was born in the Netherlands and have lived in Sutton since I was a child. Volunteering has always been a big part of my life and I am now the coordinator of the collective kitchen at the CAB. During our collective kitchen sessions I learn about people, food, and much more. I love group activities as much as the time alone!