
Café 50+

Centre d'action bénévole de Sutton 7, Academy, Sutton, Quebec, Canada

Bring and share your best natural remedies or your grandma's tricks !

Café 50+

Centre d'action bénévole de Sutton 7, Academy, Sutton, Quebec, Canada

Let's play bocce! Drinks and snacks included.

Café 50+

Centre d'action bénévole de Sutton 7, Academy, Sutton, Quebec, Canada

Mandalas coloring !

Café 50+

Centre d'action bénévole de Sutton 7, Academy, Sutton, Quebec, Canada

Exercice dance !! We'll be outside if the weather is good. It'll be very fun ! See you there

Café 50+

Let's play bocce ! Drinks and snacks included.

Café 50+

It's Halloween soon so the pumpkin is the star of this café 50+! Each person bring a homemade meal made with pumpkin (and the recipes) so we can share with…

Sutton Food Bank’s Christmas Food Drive

CAB Sutton John-Sleeth Centre 7, Academy, Sutton, Quebec, Canada

Here are the dates to remember for the CAB Sutton Christmas food drive: From December 1st to 21st: The Knights of Columbus Council 3326 Sutton will set up banks in…

Baby Drop-In

CAB Sutton John-Sleeth Centre 7, Academy, Sutton, Quebec, Canada

Come and spend some time with other families at the parent-baby meetings to discuss, exchange, go through our pile of clothes to be donated and ask questions about what is…