Information session: “What is the Maison de générations-Olivet House”? on ZOOM


The CAB is hosting a virtual information session to give the public an opportunity to meet members of our team, learn more about the Maison de générations-Olivet House project, ask questions, and provide feedback. To register, please send an email to by June 16th with the subject line: Zoom 5-7 Registration

Information booth: “What is the Maison des générations-Olivet House?”

Sutton Market 2 Rue Curley, Sutton, Quebec, Canada

The CAB is hosting an information booth on June 19th to give the public an opportunity to meet the team, learn more about the Maison des générations-Olivet House project, ask questions, and give us feedback. See the event on Facebook

Launch of the fundraising campaign for the Maison des générations- Olivet House

Olivet Church 7 Rue Maple, Sutton, Quebec

The CAB is seeking the community’s support for the Maison des générations-Olivet House project. We will be launching our fundraising campaign at the Sutton Market with the objective of raising $70,000 through a range of activities. Don’t miss the unveiling of our exciting fundraising campaign, just in time for the warm days of summer, and…

Sutton Food Bank’s Christmas Food Drive

CAB Sutton John-Sleeth Centre 7, Academy, Sutton, Quebec, Canada

Here are the dates to remember for the CAB Sutton Christmas food drive: From December 1st to 21st: The Knights of Columbus Council 3326 Sutton will set up banks in various businesses in Sutton to accept your monetary donations. Saturday December 3rd: The CAB Sutton team will be at the IGA to receive your monetary…